The Blog
A place for clients tips and tricks to make the most out of your next family or senior photo session experience. Capturing your truth and sharing your joy.
Read the latest news below:

From the Classroom to the Camera:
For twelve years, I dedicated my life to teaching in Catholic schools. It was more than just a job—it was a calling. I stayed because I knew that within the system, marginalized children needed at least one adult who truly saw them, loved them, and stood up for them. Now, as a Seattle family and high school senior photographer, that same passion drives me to create safe, joyful spaces where every client feels seen, valued, and celebrated.

Why Pets Deserve a Spot in Your Family Photos
Okay, I’m going to come right out and say it: pets aren’t just pets—they’re family. If you’re booking a senior or family photo session and wondering whether you should include your furry (or feathered or scaled) best friend in the mix, let me tell you, the answer is a resounding YES…

Come As You Are
Do you ever mishear a lyric and like your version better? For the longest time, I though the lyric to the Nirvana song Come as You Are was, Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be, as a friend, as a friend, as an old memory…Turns out it was always: As an old enemy. I spent years of my life singing enemy as memory. I liked the ring of old memory a lot better don’t you?

A Conversation About Photography Pricing Models:
So, you’ve just started to research local photographers, and you see that pricing is all over the place. Some photographers charge a flat fee, while others have a sitting fee with packages. What’s the deal? Why are the pricing structures so different and which one is better? It’s enough to drive a consumer bananas. That’s where I can help. I’m here to break down the pricing structure models and talk to you about why I price my photography the way that I do in the hopes that you can make the right choice for your family. Let’s have a look together, shall we?

Capturing Generations | The Significance of Extended Family Photo Sessions
Extended family photo sessions are among my absolute favorite thing to capture. I adore the unique dynamic between family members in extended family sessions. I love how one adult sibling seems to always be the funny one, one adult sibling always seems to be the serious one, and everyone seems to know just how to interact to get the right vibe in a session. I am from a rather large family myself. I have a few dozen cousins on one side of the family and about a dozen on the other side.

Return on Investment | Why Photography Has a Long-Term Payoff
I have been mulling this blog post over in my mind for several weeks. It was like a faint whisper at first, and then it turned into a shout that the universe would no longer let me ignore. So, I started small. Instead of creating a full-scale post, I did a short carousel post on social media that outlined my thoughts and vision for this content. The post asked a very poignant question: What would you pay to preserve your memories forever?

The Importance of Play: Why Incorporating Play into your Photo Session Brings Out the Best In your Family
When I was a kid, getting photos done was often a stressful task. Everyone was dressed perfectly, faces were cleaned, hair was combed and re-combed (and re-re-combed) until it was time to all look at the camera, at the same time, and say cheese into a bright, flashing light. There was no connection. There was no love. The only joy to be found was on the face of the kid in the family that always seemed to be harboring a secret. And the problem with this approach was that everyone looked stiff, bored, or worried.

What is Sisterhood? Why Community over Competition is the best business model
Sisterhood is “an association, society, or community of women linked by a common interest, religion, or trade.” This is the sisterhood that fuels us as women. It is through these bonds of chosen sisterhood that we come alive not only as artists, but has human beings. It is through shared experience, triumph, loss, failure, and successes that we truly connect. It is holding each other up and being each other’s champion. And like any sisterhood, working through times of struggle, envy, and frustration. The bonds that we as women can make with one another are irreplaceable, and my bond to this dynamic group of women has only gotten stronger as the months have turned into years.

You've Finished Your Photo Session, Now What?
So you booked Katie Niemer Photography for your senior or family portrait session. You finished your session and you’ve seen a couple sneak peeks. You’re so excited to get your hands on your full gallery, right? So what should you expect? Don’t worry. In this blog post, I will go over what happens after we say goodbye at the end of a session.

The Importance of Annual Family Photography
I was looking at a photograph of my baby boy the other day, and I was instantly transported 14 years into the past. I could smell is baby smell, I could feel his fine, baby-soft hair, I could hear his tiny giggle, I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, and I was moved to happy tears. Family photography isn’t just about pretty pictures, its about capturing memories that will last a lifetime. Think about it — when was the last time you had a professional family photo taken?