The Importance of Play | Seattle Family Portrait Photographer

Why Incorporating Play into your Photo Session Brings Out the Best In your Family

Blond haired little boy plays on playground slide at Volunteer Park in Seattle WA

Stiff and Boring is out | Connection is In

When I was a kid, getting photos done was often a stressful task. Everyone was dressed perfectly, faces were cleaned, hair was combed and re-combed (and re-re-combed) until it was time to all look at the camera, at the same time, and say cheese into a bright, flashing light. There was no connection. There was no love. The only joy to be found was on the face of the kid in the family that always seemed to be harboring a secret. And the problem with this approach was that everyone looked stiff, bored, or worried.

And we were worried. We were worried that one of us would mess up this annual JCPenney’s tradition for mom, and nobody wanted to be the reason we couldn’t have nice things. This was the photography of my childhood, and even my senior portrait session was a variation of the same, mostly stiff, studio poses that everyone had in the 90s. It was hardly a reflection of me or my larger-than-life personality.

Annual Family Photo Sessions Can Be Stressful

As a Seattle family and high school senior photographer, I am not stranger to having my own family portraits done. And, it’s my goal to find a photographer that makes the experience enjoyable. It’s no secret that getting your family portraits taken can be stressful, especially to the family member that organizes the session. In many cases, the person that is the most invested in the success of a photo session is mom. She’s the one that chooses the color scheme, agonizes over the coordinating outfits, makes sure that everyone is clean, put together, and camera ready. And, in many cases, family picture day is the only day that mom gets to be in front of the lens because as we all know, mothers are the primary family documentarians. After all this preparation, all this planning, not to mention the expense of buying new outfits and hiring a photographer, it’s paramount that the session goes well. She asks for so little, after all, the least everyone else can do is smile for an hour, right?

But, if all my years as a classroom teacher have taught me anything, it’s that children won’t willingly do anything unless its fun, and in many of our own memories, getting photos taken is anything but fun. But it doesn’t have to be that way. And in fact, I strive to make my photo sessions as fun as possible, because incorporating fun and games throughout the session takes the stress out of the situation and allows you to be fully present with your family connecting in meaningful and beautiful ways.

Toddler girl spinning with her mommy on the beach at Dash Point, Federal Way WA

Children Connect, relax, and learn Through Play

The benefits of play, at any stage in life, are enormous. Play has an extremely vital role in human development that can never be underscored. Play is linked to on-track cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and resiliency to name a few important benefits, and it’s not only beneficial to children. Research also shows that adults who regularly incorporate play and recreation into their lives lead a more fulfilling life in general. So, it’s obvious that with my background in education, I would see the importance in finding ways to incorporate play into a family session for more connected and rich images.

During my time as a family photographer, I have witnessed the results right before my eyes when play is incorporated into a session. Play is a better and more effective tool to get kids to listen and respond positively than any treat, amount of screen time, or toy promised. Delayed gratification is a tool that rarely works, especially for young children, and it’s why bribery seldom has a positive effect on children. So, instead of relying on a treat, I rely on my ability to initiate games with children, taking snack breaks, singing songs, dancing, and and even incorporating cuddling in all my sessions. And when I tell you that play is better than bribery, I mean it. Just look at the photos below.

People Will Want to Return if Their EXperience is Good

Play releases chemicals in the brain like oxytocin (the love hormone) and dopamine (the feel good hormone). When children play, they actually develop neurological connections in their prefrontal cortex and literally grow the gray matter in their brains. Play makes children smarter, more connected, more compassionate, and better communicators. Play is so powerful that it is often used as a tool for therapy. So of course, anything that incorporates play will yield powerful results. And play is not just great for children, studies prove that adults who incorporate play lead happier, more fulfilling lives. So I don’t just focus on mom and the kids, I also strive to make the experience great for dad. Want to find out how? Click here for more on why it’s important to incorporate dads in the photo session.

Here is how I incorporate play into every session:

  1. Dancing and singing

  2. Tag

  3. Parachute: a blanket game

  4. The use of toys, props, lovies, and found objects

  5. Tickle fights

  6. Hip checking (but be gentle, we don’t want any accidents)

  7. Pretending to be airplanes

  8. Hide-and-seek or Peek-a-boo

  9. Kid sandwiches

  10. Piggy back rides and upside down dips

  11. Thumb wars

  12. Twirling

  13. Silly faces and raspberries

  14. Climbing trees

  15. Playing on nearby playgrounds

Children respond favorably to active experiences that make them feel good. So, whatever will get your family interacting authentically, connecting naturally, and laughing together, I will incorporate. And by the end of the session, I have usually won the children over and eased the stresses of each adult that comes in front of my lens. That is my mission. I want to make every session fun, and I want you to leave with a smile on your face and joy in your heart.

Little blonde girl playing with a rubber ducky in a puddle at Juanita Bay Park in  Kirkland WA.

Special Considerations

Of course, each family is different and there are many factors that go into how I incorporate play. Injuries, mobility issues, and cognitive impairment will need to be considered when working with families, so I make space for my families to play in a way that suits their individual needs. I also take care to make sure that older kids don’t play too aggressively with younger kids, because getting hurt and shedding tears is never the goal. Assessing situations and being able to switch gears quickly is also part of my educator toolbox, and its something that I excel at. Safety and fun go hand-in-hand, and I will always make sure that our play is never aggressive.

I also believe in taking breaks. Being on camera can create anxiety in some. So if your child needs a little break, a snack, a snuggle, that is also incorporated into my sessions. It’s okay if your little one doesn’t want to participate every second of your one-hour session. Sometimes, a little break, a bite of cheese or a cracker, a hug, a quick water or milk break is all a little one needs to regroup and rejoin the fun.

So, if you’re ready, I would love to show you how much fun a photo session can be with your family. But be prepared to play, because when you book Katie Niemer Photography, you are going to laugh, love, and play with me and your kids. And I promise, you’re gonna love the results.

Want to learn more? Contact me today.

Ready to book your fun family or extended family session with me? Click the link below and choose our date. I cannot wait to serve your beautiful family and to see you in front of my lens.


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