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Mallih Ataee and her horse Samson R. USA Dressage

It all started with a Girl and a Stallion…

I’ve always loved horses. What’s not to love. They are beautiful, elegant, and really a quite charming animal. But when I started working with equestrians in the spring of 2018, I fell hard and aimed to learn as much as I could about equestrian sports and the athletes that command one ton animals to dance and jump. A good number of Equestrians become professional horse photographers and for good reason; they understand the sport and the mechanics of the animal. I am not one of those photographers. I am not a rider, but instead, I look for something a little different. I look for the relationship between the rider and their animal. Don’t get me wrong, the mechanics are very important and I capture the technical aspect of the sport as well, but the relationship between rider and horse is the most important aspect to me. The way you interact with your animals is uniquely your own. The way the animal responds to you is also unique. I want to capture that bond.